Inflection AI: Personalized and More "Woke" Than The TruthGPT Elon Might Make

Published: June 15, 2023, 9 a.m.

b'After Kara and Nayeema debate the pros and cons of AI personal assistants vs. human personal assistants vs. fake personal assistants, we turn to Mustafa Suleyman, the man who co-founded DeepMind. Now, he and his co-founders Reid Hoffman and Kar\\xe9n Simonyan have started Inflection AI, a startup that creates \\u201cpersonal AIs,\\u201d and they\'re launching with a chatbot called Pi.\\nKara talks to Mustafa about whether or not Pi is "woke," the conversion of Suleyman\\u2019s former colleague, Geoffrey Hinton, and \\u2014 oh yes \\u2014 AI\\u2019s potential to destroy humanity.\\nBTW, in lieu of personal AI, you can reach out to Kara and Nayeema for advice on your burning questions regarding your career, love, life or anything else. Call 1-888-KARA-PLZ and leave us a voicemail.\\nQuestions? Comments? Email us at or find us on Instagram. We\\u2019re @karaswisher and @nayeemaraza.\\n\\n\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'