WWRD How To Maximise The Passive Income Of A Property

Published: May 27, 2016, 11 p.m.

b'ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n{"@context":"http:\\\\/\\\\/schema.org\\\\/","@id":"https:\\\\/\\\\/onproperty.com.au\\\\/wwrd-maximise-passive-income-property\\\\/#arve-youtube-tsx0zj-rje0","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\\\\/\\\\/www.youtube-nocookie.com\\\\/embed\\\\/tsx0zj-rjE0?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=0"}\\n\\n\\n\\nHow can you maximise the passive income of a property. In this episode of WWRD we look at how you can increase the income of one reader\'s property.\\n\\nHey and welcome to a very special episode of What Would Ryan Do, the series where I answer your questions and give you an idea into what I would do in your specific situation.\\n\\nHey, I am Ryan from OnProperty.com.au, helping you positive cash flow properties and this is a very special episode because the person who brought this question - Peter, actually allows us to share his property address so we can look into this in a bit more detail, which is really exciting. And he wants to maximize his passive income, which is a topic that I am extremely passionate about.\\n\\nSo, this episode is about how to maximize the passive income of a property and as we always do, let us head over to the question:\\n\\n"Hi, Ryan! First of all thank you for posting educational videos on On Property. I have been a\\xa0subscriber\\xa0to your YouTube channel for some time now. It has been great listening to you. I really love watching the interviews, my favorite part of the channel."\\n\\nPeter, thank you for being a subscriber for quite a long period of time and I am glad you like the interviews. Definitely, I have more of those in the pipeline.\\n\\nSo here\\xa0is\\xa0the question guys:\\n\\n"We own a property, one title," - that is important, "two houses; 14,000 square meters. What strategy would you take to generate the most value from the property? And our goal is to generate passive income."\\n\\nPeter, the way that I am going to be approaching this is - because value can be taken in so many different ways,\\xa0generally\\xa0in\\xa0property\\xa0you are either talking about the income of the property or you are talking about the equity value - the value if you went and sold the property. I am going to leave that aside in terms of the value when you sold the property. I will look at that and touch on that because it is important but I will be more looking at the passive income of the property because I just think you have such a good opportunity here.\\n\\nSo, background information is that it was purchased for $847,000 back in 2013 and this is going to be great for everyone watching because\\xa0i\\xa0actually just searched for the address of this property and we can actually see that it was sold for $847,000 on the 6th of\\xa0September\\xa02013. So this sort of information is public knowledge guys, again on OnTheHouse.com.au. If I went to the street address then it should also give us.\\n\\nWe can see what it has rented for.\\xa0Conmparable\\xa0properties, often that has a\\xa0sold\\xa0history as well. I am not going to waste your time trying to find that out at the moment but\\xa0generally\\xa0OnTheHouse.com.au also has that. So, it was sold for $847,000 or you purchased it for that. The last value is $1.12 million in 2015.\\n\\nThe front house rents for $410 per week, the back house is for $470 per week and the address is 82 McClelland Street, Chester Hill, New South Wales; so if you guys want to follow along, you can go ahead and check that out. Please do not be afraid to Google it, happy if you do use a\\xa0screenshot,\\xa0if you make a video out of it. So, thank\\xa0you Peter\\xa0for letting us share the address and to go through this.\\n\\nSo, a few things that I have looked up: obviously, I have looked up the listing for this property. I was reading through it and it is 14,000 square meters featuring two houses. The front house is 2-bedroom fibro - not brick; and the back home is a solid brick home with 3 large bedrooms. Now, obviously there are no pitches of the back home here...'