Why We Dont Want To Be Rich

Published: July 11, 2018, 11 p.m.

b'ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n{"@context":"http:\\\\/\\\\/schema.org\\\\/","@id":"https:\\\\/\\\\/onproperty.com.au\\\\/we-dont-want-to-be-rich\\\\/#arve-youtube-jvgcbwqn5zg659a0b2d58352650986590","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\\\\/\\\\/www.youtube-nocookie.com\\\\/embed\\\\/jVGcBWQn5zg?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=0"}\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nMost people have the goal to be rich, but we don\'t have that goal in our life. So why don\'t we want to be rich and what do we want instead?\\nResources Related To This Episode\\nOur Minimalism Journey\\nTranscription:\\nYou want to do the intro for this one? No, no, no. I didn\'t know what you say. He\'s just done this like 550 times. I\'ve done this five times. He\'s turning around.\\n\\nA lot of people have the goal in their life that they want to become rich, that they want to become extremely wealthy and we don\'t have that goal like as the pool filter and we don\'t have that goal in our life. So in this episode we wanted to talk about why we don\'t want to be rich.\\n\\nWhat\'s not that we don\'t have any reach reach. We just don\'t want to be filthy rich. Yes.\\n\\nAnd it\'s Kinda like, well it was sure it would be nice to be rich, but what it would take to become rich, we\'re not willing to do. That\'s right. So how are we going to start this and what are we going to tell them?\\n\\nWell, I think early on without even realizing we made that choice, like when we first got married, we really did, didn\'t we? Yeah. We just never wanted to go to work. We just were like, why? We just want to go to the beach, so I don\'t care about no money, like thinking about the future.\\n\\nWell, in the early days when we first got married, within our first six months of marriage, I was trying to, well, I was actually trying to get rich. I thought we were going to get rich and I thought I would get rich by making money online and so I didn\'t want to go to work because I was trying to get rich online and you would come home and you\'d be like, well, why am I working full time? And you\'re just like chilling,\\n\\nhanging out at home.\\n\\nAnd then I\'m like, well, don\'t work full time. Have you done one today? And so then he moved to part time. I did. And so we, yeah, that was within our first six months of marriage and then we had hardly any money. Um, but that was, yeah, I guess our first decision we made really early on that we are going to choose lifestyle over riches and we kind of went a bit extreme with it because then we didn\'t have money so we couldn\'t do anything. And we fought all the time about my, yeah, probably wasn\'t the best way to go about it. So. And then life moved on for us. We had our first kid, then I ended up getting a full time job, then we had our second kid, I got an internal promotion and I was working as a pharmaceutical rep and we\'re at the point where I was working full time and I was earning good money. But were we happy?\\n\\nNo, we weren\'t. You were working so much you would leave almost in the dark and you get home and it was dark and then you work at nights.\\n\\nYeah, late nights as well sometimes. So I was working in a sales role and I tend to put a lot of pressure on myself and work more than I probably should or more than what was expected of me. So I was doing a lot of nighttime trainings with these pharmacies and going above and beyond where I probably didn\'t need to. And then at the same time you had postnatal depression? Yes. Uh, and so it was kind of like I went to work because I felt like I needed to go to work to pay off our debts, which we, which we did pay off and to pay for like some of the bad financial decisions that we made, which were done in a previous video on some of those bad financial decisions. That was around the time that we bought the range rover, which was terrible. We didn\'t do that.\\n\\nSo I think we were getting to the point where we could, we were saving for a house deposit and will on...'