Where Is The Best Place To Find Property Statistics?

Published: Aug. 27, 2017, 11 p.m.

b'ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n{"@context":"http:\\\\/\\\\/schema.org\\\\/","@id":"https:\\\\/\\\\/onproperty.com.au\\\\/best-place-find-property-statistics\\\\/#arve-youtube-lfjor3y25ss659a0b2e0da10319009621","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\\\\/\\\\/www.youtube-nocookie.com\\\\/embed\\\\/LfJOr3Y25ss?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=0"}\\n\\n\\n\\nWhere is the best place to find australian property statistics so you can successfully do your research?\\n\\nRyan: Alright, we\'re going to close off in a couple minutes guys. I gotta pick up my daughter from school soon, and take her to karate. She\'s gotten rather into karate lately. Rob is asking, "Where\'s the best place to check the stats?" If you\'re talking about ... I was just on yourinvestmentpropertymag.com.eu, they have a top [inaudible 00:00:18] section where you can check quickly and for free. You can check a lot of stats there. Where else is there Ben? That people can check stats.\\n\\nBen: There\'s a lot of good information for free on Real Estate Investor. There\'s amazing stats now that RP Data is feeding realestate.com and domain. There is amazing, amazing insight coming into both of those areas like suburb analysis in realestate.com, you can do research on agents, you can do research on properties.\\n\\nIt is becoming a really powerful tool to the point where I think within five years you\'ll be able to almost do everything you need to do on realestate.com. It\'s becoming an extremely powerful buying tool.\\n\\nRyan: Yeah, well realestate.com\'s gotten so much better for that sort of stuff since when I first started looking for this stuff. I remember trying to look for sold history or rental history in the past.\\n\\nIt was such a rabbit hole, you\'d find these random sites that were half broken but would be able to show you, and now it\'s just all coming into realestate.com.au which is going to be a huge tool for everyone.\\n\\nDSRData has some epic stats but I think they\'ve just moved away from being free and they\'re quite expensive now. So I don\'t know if they\'ve made that move yet or if it\'s going to happen soon. But yeah that ...\\n\\nBen:\\xa0 I honestly think between realestate.com, Property Investment magazines or dot com and then Real Estate Investor as well as the Australian Bureau of Statistics Starter. Almost everything that we look for is in those three free sources.\\n\\nRyan: Yeah, so it\'s ... If you know where to look then you can find a lot of good information out there. On the House is good as well but I\'m not sure if realestate.com.au\'s just kind of taken over all the stats that they used to do. But they would do estimates and the value of the property as well as sold history for the property, recently sold in the area, that sort of stuff as well. So check out onthehouse.com.au, though in saying that I haven\'t used them in awhile. Because I haven\'t need to.\\n\\nBen: I know Residex just got bought out by realestate.com, sorry, RP Data and then On the House is owned by Residex. I\'m not sure what happened there, if they\'ve bought that as well and they\'ll just phase it out you know. There is some good information there I just find their evaluations as 50 to 150 grand off every single time.\\n\\nRyan: Yeah, they\'re not really trustworthy.\\n\\nBen: No.\\n\\nRyan: You kind of got to do evaluations yourself.\\n\\nBen: Sales in the suburb.\\n\\nRyan: Yeah, look at the sales and use your own intuition to work it out.\\n\\nBen: Unless you\'re paying for Real Estate Investor or RP Data\'s, but even those are so hit and miss as well.\\n\\nRyan: Well that\'s the thing, they can give you a good framework but you still need to go out and look at sold history yourself as well.\\n\\nBen: For sure.\\n\\nRyan: Cool, alright well we\'re going to close it off there guys. Thanks everyone for tuning in, this was the first time we did it. I was calling it a self launch. We did the marketing for it all,'