The 4 Stages of Property Investing

Published: April 3, 2019, 8 p.m.

b'ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n{"@context":"http:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/","@id":"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/the-4-stages-of-property-investing\\\\/#arve-youtube-salpnme9jo4659a0b2bf289a686233151","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/embed\\\\/sAlPnMe9jO4?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=0"}\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nGoing from nothing to financial freedom through property investing can be quite an overwhelming task. Breaking it down into the different stages of the property investment journey can be extremely helpful. Here are the 4 stages of property investing.\\n\\n\\n\\nBook a free property strategy session\\n\\n\\n\\n0:00 - Introduction\\n1:00 - The 4 stages summary\\n1:37 - The 2 Properties to financial freedom strategy\\n3:18 - Stage 1: Buy Properties\\n5:32 - How to know when you\'ve finished stage 1\\n7:20 - An example based on today\'s market\\n8:29 - Stage 2: Pay Off Debt\\n9:02 - 2a. FAST Strategy - How to pay off debt fast\\n11:15 - 2b. SLOW Strategy - Enjoy life while the properties pay themselves off\\n13:49 - Dave\'s success story\\n15:56 - Stage 3: Freedom\\n23:38 - Stage 4: Wealth Creation\\n27:01 - Summary\\n28:25 - This can really accelerate your financial freedom\\n30:01 - Get help implementing this strategy in the right market\\n\\n\\n\\nLearn more about the 2 properties to financial freedom strategy\\n\\n\\n\\nIkigai: The Japanese secret to a long and happy life\\n\\n\\n\\nRecommended Videos:\\n\\n\\n\\n2 Properties to Financial Freedom: Quickly Explained\\n\\n\\n\\nTranscription:\\n\\n\\n\\nif you\'re looking to achieve financial freedom by growing a property portfolio it can be quite a daunting and overwhelming task to go from nothing or just owning your own home to actually grow in your portfolio and achieving financial freedom and we find it much simpler and much less daunting if you actually break down the journey into the different stages of the property investment journey or the property investment cycle so today I\'m joined by Ben Everingham who\'s a buyer\'s agent from pumped on property how\'s it going Ben hey man how you doing very good and we\'re gonna talk about the four stages of property investing so this is in line with our two properties to financial freedom strategy if you haven\'t checked that out go to two properties and you can learn all about that over there but the goal here is that we\'re going to invest in what we call foundational properties that are going to then go on to deliver us financial freedom or deliver us a financial position where we can actually live off the rental income that those properties are generating so the four stages are property investing to outline them quickly is stage one which is buy properties which we\'re probably going to spend most of the time on stage two which is pay off debt which you can do to which you can choose to do quickly or slowly Stage three is freedom or financial freedom that\'s where you get to live off the rental income and gain choices in your life and then stage number four is wealth creation now that you\'re financially free you can focus on building your wealth becoming rich whatever it is that you decide to do so do you want to talk quickly about the two properties to financial freedom strategy Ben and then we\'ll get into stage one about buying the properties yeah so the concept of two properties to financial freedom I think you came up with that idea while you having served on the Sunshine Coast and you gave me a call after and I kind of wish I\'ve known about it ten years before I got started because of all the ups and downs and mistakes that I\'ve made as an investor on my journey and effectively the strategy is simple and it\'s about owning a couple of good quality low risk low maintenance homes completely outright in the future so that that passive income stream provides you with surplus income and allows you to have better quality choices in your life you know down the line wheth...'