Property Improvements That Limit The Number Of Potential Buyers

Published: May 19, 2016, 11 p.m.

b'ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n{"@context":"http:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/","@id":"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/property-improvements-limit-number-potential-buyers\\\\/#arve-youtube-fmfgucuzjqo659a0b2e31566483328566","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/embed\\\\/FmfGUcuzjQo?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=0"}\\n\\n\\n\\nSome property improvements actually limit the number of potential buyers, thus lowering your chance of getting the best price possible.\\n\\nThere are some property improvements that people make that can actually limit the number of potential buyers and thus limit the chance of you getting a higher than average purchase price for your property. That\'s what I wanted to talk about in today\'s episode. Hey, I\'m Ryan from, helping you find positive cash flow property.\\n\\nThere\'s a lot of different people out there talking about how to improve your property, how to renovate your property, how to get the best sale price for your property. And so they should because little tweaks that you make here and there can really improve the value of your property and you want to be doing these things. However, there are some things that you may do to your property to try and improve it that actually limit the number of potential buyers.\\n\\nGenerally speaking, when you\'re selling your property, you want the maximum amount of potential buyers so that you can get a fast sale and so that you have people competing for your property and a better chance of getting a higher than average purchase price.\\n\\nSo I wanted to go through these things that may limit the number of people that are interested in your property. So you can think about them and then maybe avoid them when you\'re renovating or improving your property.\\n\\nThe first one is pools. If you\'re thinking of adding a pool because you think it\'s going to add value to your property, chances are, a pool isn\'t much \\u2013 if any \\u2013 value to your property. And in many cases, it can actually decrease the value of a property. Pools are expensive to put in. They\'re not cheap and when people go and visit house, if they really, really want a pool, a lot of people would be willing to purchase a house without a pool and put a pool in. But if people go and visit a house and they don\'t want a pool, then that is something that is going to deter them from purchasing your property because it seems very difficult for people to get rid of a pool. Not many people do it.\\n\\nIt\'s not regularly done. So if people see a pool and they don\'t actually want a pool, then it\'s likely to deter them. They also are going to be thinking about the maintenance they have to do, etc., etc. Unless you\'re in a very hot area where pools are very desirable, then this can be a limiting factor. So consult your local real estate agent around pools and whether or not you should put one in and how it\'s going to affect the value of your house.\\n\\nI like to think of pools as a personal decision that you make if you want to live in a house with a pool and then you suffer the consequences on that if you then decide to sell. But if you\'re doing it as an investment, you\'re deciding to put in a pool, I would definitely think twice about that one.\\n\\nThe next thing that can limit the amount of potential buyers is high-maintenance gardens. Not everyone loves to garden. Me, for example, I absolutely hate to garden. I\'ll mow the lawn, but I probably won\'t enjoy doing it. And apart from that, I don\'t really spend my time gardening. So if you put in a high-maintenance garden that needs to be up kept in order to look good, that can turn off potential buyers because they get overwhelmed with the garden, how much it\'s going to take to up keep. And that can be really difficult.\\n\\nWhereas people who are gardeners can go in, they can see a basic lawn or a basic garden that\'s really easy to maint...'