Is A Dream Home A Worthy Goal?

Published: May 13, 2018, 11 p.m.

b'ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n{"@context":"http:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/","@id":"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/dream-home-goal\\\\/#arve-youtube-kl3kkrh39ri","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/embed\\\\/KL3KKrH39RI?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=0"}\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nIs a dream home a worthy goal? Or is seeking financial freedom instead of a dream home going to make you happier?\\nTranscription:\\nHey guys, Ryan here from on property and in today\'s episode I want to talk about this idea of your dream home and whether or not it\'s actually a worthy goal. Just going to go for a walk. This is my house right here. So you\'re going to leave my house. Isn\'t my dream home? No, it\'s not. We\'ll talk about that. We\'ve also got my van here, which was my home for a couple of months, so me and the kitchen used to live in that for a couple of months. We\'re going to go for a walk down to the beach. Okay, so live one street back from the beach. Beach is just there. So we\'re going to head down to the beach and we\'re going to talk about this concept of a dream home. So I had an email recently from a listener have on property and if you\'re listening to this and you probably know who you are, but basically talking about how our two properties to financial freedom strategy, how that fits in with wanting to expand your principal place of residence and expand your home.\\n\\nTalking about this person talks about how they had invested in a unit in a capital city that they live in as well as in an investment property with the goal in the future of eventually selling those two properties so they can upscale into a larger dream home in Melbourne to get a four bedroom house that was going to be, you know, one and a half million or around that sort of ballpark figure. So as you guys know, especially if you live in capital cities, super expensive to buy houses in capital cities and so it can be really difficult for people to think, okay, I want to get financial freedom, but hey, I also want my dream home. So how do I balance that out? Now? I used to live in Sydney. I used to live in a beach side suburb called crunella. So if anyone\'s from Sydney, you know what I\'m talking about.\\n\\nI\'m a shy boy. Born and bred in the Shire Granola, super expensive. All units now and basically if you want to buy a house in Granola, you\'re talking to three mil sort of thing. In a previous life that would\'ve been my dream home, a house in Granola near the beach, near the good coffee shops, all that sort of stuff. That would\'ve been my dream home. But now not so much. Okay. So, so life has changed for me a lot significantly, especially in the last two years. So what\'s happened in the last two years is that I achieved financial freedom through my businesses where I call it pseudo financial freedom because I don\'t need to work much, but I do need to work a bit and over time those businesses won\'t always pay me. So it\'s kind of like short term financial freedom sort of thing if I don\'t keep up doing a bit of work.\\n\\nSo I\'m not completely financially free, but it got to the point where I don\'t really need to work in order to make money just a little bit. Also location independent because my work is online obviously, so basically we can live anywhere. And so what happened during that period was now I no need to work. That really changed my life a lot. So it really made me open my eyes to how the goals that I had set for myself in terms of business, in terms of financial freedom, they were pushing me for though driving though my focus and I was pushing through life in order to achieve these goals. But when I achieved them, they didn\'t make me happy. And what also happened was that when we achieve them, we then realized we weren\'t happy. Okay. You just get so distracted by life. So distracted by work.\\n\\nSo distracted by trying to make money,'