How To Use House Sitting To Help You Save Your Deposit

Published: Dec. 20, 2016, 11 p.m.

b'ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n{"@context":"http:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/","@id":"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/use-house-sitting-help-save-deposit\\\\/#arve-youtube-sbqbwq6aoks","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/embed\\\\/SbQbWq6aoks?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=0"}\\n\\n\\n\\nHouse sitting can be a great way to stop paying rent and help you save your deposit. Here is a basic guide to house sitting.\\n\\nMore and more people these days are finding it extremely difficult to save a deposit either to purchase their own home or to go ahead and purchase an investment property. One of the options to save money to help you achieve that goal is actually house sitting. Reducing your rent by sitting in someone else\'s house basically rent-free.\\n\\nSo, today, I have Robyn on from to talk about this new trend that is happening where people are house sitting as a way to save their deposit.\\n\\nRyan:\\xa0Hey Robyn, thanks for coming on today.\\n\\nRobyn:\\xa0Good day, Ryan.\\n\\nRyan:\\xa0So, why don\'t you talk through what exactly house sitting is for those people who aren\'t completely aware of it.\\n\\nRobyn:\\xa0Sure. House sitting is a booming worldwide trend where homeowners open their home to house sitters to live in while they are away and care for their property, home, gardens, whatever they have. It might be just an apartment with a cat. And particularly, caring for their animals. This enables animals to remain in their familiar environment and not have to be put into pet prison and be cared for and loved and have their familiar routine and it doesn\'t cost anybody a cent.\\n\\nThe homeowner doesn\'t pay the house sitter and the house sitter doesn\'t pay the homeowner anything because it\'s a fair exchange \\u2013 a mutual exchange of services. House sitting, the communities are made up of people who cooperate for mutual benefit, rather than financial gain. And, from my experience, it\'s a really nice way to live.\\n\\nRyan:\\xa0Yeah. And people who have pets and who want to go on holidays, it can be very difficult to find accommodation that will accept your pet. So if you put your pets in those pet hotels or pet prisons, as you called them, they can be quite expensive. I remember my mother-in-law needed to do it and it was like, $40 or $60 a day or something like that, and that was to have her dog go and stay with another family.\\n\\nIt can be very expensive so I understand why people would want to have people come and house sit and look after their pets. Because it saves them money, allows them to go on holidays. And then, obviously, for the person house sitting, they get free accommodation, basically, in exchange for looking after pets or the gardens or the house, etc.\\n\\nSo, obviously, we can see that this can be very beneficial. Did you say that this is a trend and more and more people are house sitting these than they used to?\\n\\nRobyn:\\xa0It\'s a booming worldwide trend and particularly booming in Australia because people are increasing home ownership. People are living longer, they\'re more healthy, they\'re traveling and they\'re internet savvy. Also increased mobility in the workforce, more and more people are location independent, work-from-home; which is perfect for homeowners because a lot of homeowners do like the house sitter to be around quite a bit. But, that\'s all negotiable.\\n\\nThat\'s not always the case. Often, in a city, there are homeowners who just want someone living, coming and going out of their home. They may not even have pets or they may just have a pussy cat. You can go to work full time because the homeowners go to work full time and the animals are accustomed to being home alone.\\n\\nSo, yeah, there\'s all sorts of house sitters for all sorts of reasons and the house sitting websites featured on my site \\u2013 Compare House Sitting. They\'re really easy to follow.'