How To Inspect The Inside of a Property Inspecting a Property (Part 4/4)

Published: Sept. 19, 2018, 11 p.m.

b'ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n{"@context":"http:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/","@id":"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/inspect-the-inside-of-a-property\\\\/#arve-youtube-21z5pvqmo-m659a0b2d1f25a102365989","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/embed\\\\/21Z5pvQmO-M?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=0"}\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nWhen it comes to inspecting a property one of the most important areas you are going to inspect is the inside of the property. Here are some tips of how to successfully inspect the inside of a property. Book Your Free Strategy Session\\nResources Related To This Episode\\nInspecting A Property Series\\nPart 1 -\\xa0Questions To Ask A Real Estate Agent\\xa0\\n\\nPart 2 -\\xa0How To Assess Street Appeal and The Surrounding Area\\n\\nPart 3 -\\xa0How To Inspect The Outside of a Property\\n\\nPart 4 -\\xa0How To Inspect The Inside of a Property\\nTranscription:\\nWhen it comes to inspecting a property, one of the most important areas that you\'re going to expect inspect is the inside of the property. And so in this episode we want us to talk about how to inspect the inside of a property. And so today I have with me Ben Everingham from pumped on property. This is a part of the series that we did on inspecting your property. We have already looked at questions to ask an agent. We\'ve already looked at inspecting the street as well as the exterior of the property. If you haven\'t checked those out yet, go to on-property dot condo. You for sash inspect and we will list all the episodes over there so you can check them out. Um, but yeah, in this one we\'re talking specifically about the inside of the property, which you\'re going to want to do a thorough inspection of the inside because most often than not, the agent, we\'ll walk you around and he\'ll talk about the benefits or she\'ll talk about the benefits of the property.\\n\\nThey weren\'t talking about the things that you actually need to know. You always walk through a property. We gave out really dark glasses on, like seeing everything that\'s bad or really, really various of glasses on and the agents going to make sure that you noticed the rose colored stuff. So this is just again another way of making sure after the property you\'ve got an accurate picture of what it looks like and I, I take 50 odd fridays per property they don\'t inspect when I\'m doing it for me because I just really want the non real version of what\'s going on there. And nonprofessional, those that had been like photoshop, the color, everything like that might guide your eyes, the blue that. So yeah. So there\'s a lot of stuff that we\'ll be covering in this video, so we do recommend that you go through with a checklist of your own.\\n\\nAgain, the power in this inspection is not just doing one inspection, but it\'s in doing multiple inspections or different properties and then you can compare each property to each other and this will also help you when you\'re doing it. Multiple inspections to not forget the property, forget what it\'s like, which is definitely an issue. Had you present like that is the biggest issue that I used to face and then I had to jump on real in the order again and just re remember after saying 10, 15 properties in a day. And so the first thing that we want to look at is does the floorplan work? This is such a video on there\'s so many houses where the floor plans just don\'t work. Almost every property that was built again outside of the last three years had a floor plan that didn\'t work in more than 80 percent of what\'s being built now.\\n\\nAd Doesn\'t want to hear. I\'ve got investment properties where the floor plan shocking, but pulling out a couple of walls could dramatically change it and in fact the house I\'ll just fought with my wife like weighed just about the standard right now on him wherever ripping out some walls that just don\'t need to be there and I can\'t believe...'