How To Find High Growth Suburbs Feat. Jane Slack-Smith

Published: June 18, 2018, 11 p.m.

b"\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nHow do you find suburbs that are both low risk that are also likely set for good future capital growth?\\nFree Webinar: How To Find And Profit From High-Growth Areas\\nIn this episode we look at:\\n- The 'Portfolio Killer' mistakes that people make when buying property- How to Dot Map Technique can uncover the ripple effect- How to lower your risk by\\xa0avoiding\\xa0red flags- What are the indicators of suburbs that have gone up in value- How two suburbs with a similar price can be SOOOO different in terms of growth potential and risk factors\\nWe also go through the data and do some analysis on a couple of suburbs in Melbourne so you can see side-by-side how we compare one suburb to another.\\nFree Webinar\\nIf you liked today's episode then Jane is hosting a free webinar where she goes into this topic of finding high growth suburbs in more detail.\\nI have attended many of Jane's webinars in the past and they are always jam packed with useful information and this one won't be any different. You owe it to yourself to get on there and learn how to find these high quality suburbs to invest in.\\nClick here to sign up for the webinar\\nTranscription:\\nYou Ready? I'm always ready when it comes to investing in property. One of the most important things that you need to do is choose the right suburb. So today I have with me property expert and suburbs, select expert Jane Slack Smith's. Hey Jane. How's it going today? Good, Ryan. Thank you. Yeah. So Jane has been a friend of the channel for quite some time, hasn't been on for over a year. We have talked a lot about self selection in the past, Jane, in relation to renovation because I know that you have done a lot of renovations and talk to people about that. So I've done that. But in this episode I wanted to talk more broadly about suburbs selection, how to avoid those bad suburbs as well as how to find those good suburbs for your everyday investors.\\nAbsolutely. And you know, one of the things, um, I, as you said, I love renovation and renovation is one of the three prongs of my trading strategy. So having been an explosives engineer and you know, really risk adverse, I wanted to kind of risk assess all the risks in property and and kind of, you know, shortcut the way to make money without making mistakes. So I came up with three ways of making money, money and one was to buy below the market. So you had had intimate knowledge of the market in the suburbs and then add value and I was using renovation is that technique and some people use your granny flats or development and then buying a high growth area because all they can make some short term gains with buying below the market and renovating, you know, if you can get in a growth area, that's where the money is. So you know, getting the right suburb and the right property and the right street is so critical to whatever your next part of your strategies.\\nYeah. And for those of you who don't know, I've actually been doing Jane's one of Jane's courses on suburbs selection and she talks a lot about the stuff that I already do, but then she adds on top of that as well. So she has a great deal of knowledge around this stuff as well as knows where to pull the data from and stuff like that. And I really love the approach that you take. It's really in line with like the research that I've done in the past as well. So let's talk a bit about first the mistakes that people make when they choose a suburb. You've got a webinar coming up and you're going to be talking about these portfolio killers, I think you called them, which I love, but people often make so many mistakes when they invest into an area. The biggest mistake that I see is that they just don't even do any research to start with, but what are some of the things that people should avoid when they're looking at suburbs?\\nActually just on that point, Ryan, I spoke to one of the ceos of one of the biggest property management companies in Australia just last wee..."