How To Choose The Right Buyers Agent

Published: May 22, 2016, 11 p.m.

b'ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n{"@context":"http:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/","@id":"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/choose-right-buyers-agent\\\\/#arve-youtube-8uzhxytxhny659a0b2e2e87f511919837","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/embed\\\\/8uZHXyTXHnY?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=0"}\\n\\n\\n\\nBuyer\'s agents can help you grow your portfolio faster, but how do you choose the right buyer\'s agent?\\n\\nUtilizing the skills and resources of a buyer\'s agent can help you move forward and invest in more properties faster, therefore helping you achieve whatever your goals may be faster as well. But how do you go about choosing the right buyer\'s agent for you?\\n\\nHey, I am Ryan from, helping you find positive cash flow property and I work\\xa0really closely with a buyer\'s agent named Ben Everingham from Pumped On Property and a lot of people do ask me for references for buyer\'s agents and I am always happy to recommend him. But, whether or not you have thought about him or whether or not he suits you, I thought it would be helpful to talk about how you should think about choosing the correct buyer\'s agent for you.\\n\\nSo, the first thing that I recommend before going to talk to Ben or talk to any buyer\'s agent is to actually have your own goals set first. This is something that not many people have actually done. I talked to Ben about it and he says not many people have clear-cut goals of exactly what they want. They might say that they want to own 10 properties that they want to be rich but they do not actually know what that means. So first things first, set some goals for yourself.\\n\\nMy goal for myself is $60,000 per year in passive income, which will give me and my family enough to get by. It is not a lush, lavish lifestyle but it is enough to get by. We do not have to worry about paying our bills anymore and then I can continue to work and run businesses and continue to grow that into the future. So, set your goals first; work out what is important to you so when you go to a buyer\'s agent you know what is important to you and you can begin to assess whether or not they can help you achieve your goals.\\n\\nBecause if you go to a buyer\'s agent without a goal already set, they are going to tell you what your goal should be and they are going to tell you goals that line up with their services. And so you can be - tricked is the wrong word, but convinced into using their services and you think you have your goals set but really it is just what they told you. So setting your goals first is definitely a good thing to do and I have a great episode on that if you go to I talked about finding your financial true north. Actually, I probably need to redo that episode because it has been so popular.\\n\\nSo once you have chosen your goals, you want to begin to look for buyer\'s agents who can help you achieve those goals or who have already achieved those goals themselves, ideally. For example, Ben, who is the buyer\'s agent that I recommend. He has achieved financial freedom himself through investing in property and now helps other people do it as well. So if financial freedom is your goal, then Ben is a great person to go to.\\n\\nHowever, if you want to do large scale developments - if you want to build townhouses, then he does not have as much experience in that so I probably will not recommend him. So based on your goals - if it is financial freedom, you can work out who is going to be the best buyer\'s agent for you. And generally, the best ones are people who have already achieved it and achieved it in a way that is feasible for you as well.\\n\\nThe second thing that I would recommend is to choose your own strategy first. So think about how you would like to invest, and again it comes down to \'if you do not have a strategy chosen out for yourself,'