How Does On Property Help Its Customers?

Published: May 26, 2016, 11 p.m.

b'ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n{"@context":"http:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/","@id":"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/property-help-customers\\\\/#arve-youtube-bedhnewfwzs659a0b2e2ba08907225758","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/embed\\\\/BeDHnewfWzs?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=0"}\\n\\n\\n\\nI\'m passionate about helping people find and invest in positive cash flow properties. Here\'s the products I offer to help my customers do just that.\\n\\nHey guys, Ryan here from and I am passionate about helping you find positive cash flow properties. In this episode, I want us to talk about the different products that I have that can help you on your journey to finding and investing in positive cash flow properties and moving towards your goal, which is probably financial freedom.\\n\\nAll of the stuff that I do, everything is all based from my website at So I\'m going to head over there now and we\'ll have a look at what I do offer. We\'ll go through all my products so you can see whether or not these are for you and if it\'s something that you want to go ahead and get access to.\\n\\nSo if we go to and we just hit on the\\xa0Resources\\xa0tab, that is going to show all of my products. So the most popular of my products is probably the On Property Membership. So if we go ahead and open this in a new window, we\'ve got the sales page here, which talks about everything that you get. It talks about finding positive cash flow properties, etc. But the big difference between this and any other product on the market; firstly, is it\'s pretty low priced compared to the $1,000 coaching package that are out there.\\n\\nThis isn\'t designed to be mentorship. It\'s not designed to be coaching. It\'s designed to serve you and fill one particular need that you have, which is helping you find positive cash flow properties and then go ahead and invest in them.\\n\\nThere\'s 2 options. There\'s a Complete Package, which is what most people do and there\'s also the Starter Package. I\'ll go through and talk about them then we\'ll go inside the membership site so you can see how it works and you can determine whether or not you think this is going to suit you or not. So, basically, you get access to a few different things. The first thing you get access to is the properties.\\n\\nEvery single day, I go out and I find a high rental yield property with a good chance of being positive cash flow. We\'re talking yields above 7%, above 8%, sometimes above 9% or 10%, up there. However, if they\'re in dodgy areas, I don\'t tend to list them. So, every single day, I go out and I find a new high rental yield property that is estimated by my calculator \\u2013 which we\'ll go through in a minute \\u2013 to be positively geared. I want to show you guys that, yes, they do exist. Here they are, you can see the properties themselves.\\n\\nThese properties are on the market, available for sale. You can see the suburbs that they\'re in. You can go through, you can look at these. You can go ahead and call the real estate agent as well. Every single day, we list a new one and we list properties from all over Australia. So, New South Wales, Queensland, Melbourne, Victoria \\u2013 basically, anywhere you can think of. If we can find positive cash flow properties, we do.\\n\\nBig question that I often get asked around this is, "Do you find properties in capital cities?" The answer is, "Yes." However, not as often as in regional centers and things like that. So I do find positive cash flow properties in Sydney, in Melbourne, in Brisbane, in Adelaide, etc., etc. However, they\'re kind of spread out, so I might find 1 property in Sydney one month, a property in Melbourne the next month or something like that.\\n\\nSo if you\'re looking specifically for positive cash flow property in just a couple of suburbs or in one particular city,'