Financial Security in 2-3 Years?...this may actually be possible

Published: Feb. 14, 2019, 8 p.m.

b'ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n{"@context":"http:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/","@id":"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/financial-security-in-2-3-years-this-may-actually-be-possible\\\\/#arve-youtube-mas5dbxawgc659a0b2c62440114971742","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/embed\\\\/Mas5DBxAWgc?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=0"}\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nWhat if you could lock in your financial security in just 2-3 years? It\'s actually possible with the 2 properties to financial freedom strategy.\\nFree Strategy Session -\\n\\n0:00 - Lock in your financial freedom in just 2-3 years\\n0:50 - The 2 Properties to financial freedom strategy\\n1:45 - There are variations on this strategy\\n2:10 - How do we lock in financial freedom in just 2-3 years?\\n3:25 - Coffee break moment\\n4:00 - The core concept of this investment strategy\\n5:40 - You don\'t have to stop at 2\\n6:36 - The work is really all done in the beginning\\n8:48 - The next 15-25 years become about paying off those properties\\n11:09 - You can continue to invest to speed things up\\n12:13 - You don\'t have to work for 45 years to get financial freedom\\n14:08 - If you need help implementing this strategy\\n\\nRecommended Videos\\n2 Properties to Financial Freedom Strategy -\\nTranscription:\\nHow would you like to hear about a property investment strategy where you can secure, you can lock in your financial freedom in just a couple of years work? Now, this sounds like a sleazy sales pitch. It\'s not okay. I want to talk about the two properties to financial freedom strategy, which almost anyone can implement and you\'re not going to achieve financial freedom at the end of those two to three years, but you\'re going to lock in financial freedom for the future so you work hard for a couple of years, secure the properties you need, and those properties will then go and do the hard work for you to achieve financial freedom. So we\'re going to look at that in today\'s episode. Go into some of the details and try and get you to understand this concept and consider it for your own investment journey. Hi, I\'m Ryan from on-property condo. You helping you achieve financial freedom.\\n\\nAnd this idea came about about a bit under a year ago now. It\'s called the two properties to financial freedom strategy. The idea behind it and the key concept behind it is that you invest in properties that pay for themselves so you\'re getting more income than you\'re paying in rent, so positive cash flow properties, they pay for themselves, but they also pay themselves off so you\'re investing in the property, you\'re getting rent from the property, they\'re paying the expenses, but they\'re also paying off the debt and over time those properties will eventually pay themselves off completely, and when that\'s done, then that income can go into your pocket, so the two properties to financial freedom strategy as you purchase two properties build to granny flat, so you\'ve got four income\'s been a positive cashflow situation, and then just focus on pain. Those properties off as quickly as possible.\\n\\nThat\'s going to give you a baseline level of financial freedom. Once those properties are paid off and the money goes into your pocket, now you can do this differently. You don\'t have to do two properties to granny flats. You could do it with just single unit properties like not single units, but just single houses that you buy. You hold, you pay off. You don\'t have to build the granny flats. You could do it by investing in units. You could invest in blocks of units, you can invest in commercial property, but the basic idea is that you purchase property that is positive cashflow that then goes ahead to pay itself off and so how do we get the two to three years or maybe two to five years of work in order to lock in our financial freedom wi...'