Do You Need A Property Mentor or Coach To Be Successful?

Published: March 6, 2019, 8 p.m.

b'ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n{"@context":"http:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/","@id":"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/do-you-need-a-property-mentor-or-coach-to-be-successful\\\\/#arve-youtube-vowjv8mhrh8659a0b2c325a5475187925","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/embed\\\\/VoWJv8mHrH8?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=0"}\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nDo you need a property mentor or property coach in order to be successful in property investing? If you don\'t have a coach what can you do to improve your chances of success? Book Your Free Strategy Session -\\n\\n\\n\\n0:00 - Introduction\\n0:40 - Did Ben have a property mentor in the beginning of his investment journey?\\n1:14 - You can\'t just wait around for a mentor to magically appear\\n3:22 - Is it vital to have a mentor?\\n4:14 - Having online mentors that you never actually meet\\n6:09 - Personal development expands your mind, and that ultimately impacts your life\\n7:07 - There is so much online mentorship out there\\n8:21 - Tiny concepts that come out of online mentoring can make a major difference\\n9:44 - You don\'t need physical people in your life for you to be able to achieve your goals\\n11:40 - Some people can benefit from one-on-one help from a buyer\'s agent\\n13:27 - Why I prefer buyer\'s agents over seminars or courses\\n14:31 - Don\'t let tomorrow look the same as today\\n18:08 - What to do when all the dots aren\'t connected\\n19:42 - You\'ll never get it perfect first time around\\n\\n\\n\\nTranscription:\\n\\n\\n\\nDean need a property mentor or a property coach in order to be successful in property. Both me and Ben have had contact with people this week that have mentioned that they feel isolated, that they don\'t have mentors in their life and want to know how they can be successful without a mentor, how they can find one. And so we want us to talk today about whether or not you actually need one. And if you do want one, how to go about finding it. So, Hey, I\'m Ryan from on-property, helping you achieve financial freedom. Today I\'m joined by Ben Everingham buyer\'s agent from pumped on property. How\'s it going, Ben?\\n\\n\\n\\nAwesome, man. Hey, doing. Yeah. Good. Now\\n\\n\\n\\nyou\'re kind of in the unique position where I guess you do mentor a lot of people through your buyer\'s agency, but what about you in the beginning? Did you have a property mentor in your life when you were getting started?\\n\\n\\n\\nI didn\'t. I kind of wish I did. Um, just because I wouldn\'t have made as many of the mistakes that I\'ve made now. Like, yeah, looking back, it would\'ve been super helpful to have someone in my life that was exactly where I wanted to be, that had this strategy that I felt comfortable with and had, you know, that 10 15 years of experience that I didn\'t have. Just the bounce ideas off and to help keep me focused.\\n\\n\\n\\nYeah. I think in an ideal world, having a mentor is Great, but I think the problem that people have is you can\'t just wait around for a mentor to magically appear. Like, we\'re not Cinderella here waiting for a fairy godmother to come in and save the day. I personally have never really had a mentor in my life, whether it be in property or be in online business. There\'s not really one person who has kind of taken to me and helped me along the way. I\'ve really had to find the way myself. And you said something really awesome off camera, which is something that you said to someone, which is they spent multiple years, I think it was five years procrastinating and not investing in property that because they didn\'t take action that\'s five years longer than they\'re going to have to work before they achieve financial freedom. And so I guess to like kind of set up the frame for this conversation is having a mentor is Great, but if you\'re just waiting around for a mentor and you\'re waiting around for someone to tell you what to do, it\'s very unlikely that you\'re going to get anything ...'