Create Your Ideal Investment Property Strategy

Published: Feb. 7, 2019, 8 p.m.

b'ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n{"@context":"http:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/","@id":"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/create-your-ideal-investment-property-strategy\\\\/#arve-youtube-rutp7z_wiko659a0b2c735bd382957048","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/embed\\\\/RuTp7Z_wIko?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=0"}\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nWhen it comes to achieving your goals through investing in property you first need a strategy that lines up with your goals. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to create your ideal property investment strategy.\\n\\n0:00 - Introduction\\n1:16 - Why creating a strategy is so important\\n2:29 - Step #1: What is your financial goal?\\n4:35 - Step #2: Which investment vehicle is going to get you to your goal?\\n6:27 - Which strategy within that investment vehicle suits you best?\\n8:52 - Where are you now and what\'s your next steps to get you to your goal?\\n11:11 - What changes do you need to make to implement your strategy?\\n12:11 - Reassessing your strategy or goals based on what changes you are willing to make\\n15:20 - Be free flowing, but have it centred in the numbers\\n16:38 - Find the investment strategy you are passionate about\\n18:02 - Summary\\n\\nBen\'s Video -\\n\\nRecommended Videos\\nHow To Create A Property Strategy for 2019 -\\nQuick Money Monday: Saving Money vs Making Money -\\nTranscription:\\nWhen it comes to successfully investing in property and actually achieving your financial goals by investing in property, you first need to have a strategy that mine\'s out with your goals and what you\'re trying to achieve. There\'s so many different ways to make money in the property market that if you don\'t have a clear strategy, if you don\'t have clear goals, then you kind of invest in this and that and it\'s probably going to take you longer to get to where you actually want to be. So in this episode we\'re gonna. Talk about how you can start creating an investment property strategy for yourself. Hi, I\'m Ryan from on-property dot com dot EU, helping you achieve financial freedom. And this video is actually inspired by Ben\'s video, Ben Everingham buyer\'s agent from pumped on property who I do a lot of stuff with. I was watching his youtube channel the other day and he talked about creating a property investment strategy.\\n\\nSo I\'m going to link up to that in the description down below, but I wanted to give some of my own thoughts as well on how you can do this. I think the way he goes about it is really good, but I think I\'ve got some different ideas. So maybe what\'s both of our videos and then pick apart what you prefer and you know, take the best from each of those. So creating a strategy I believe is extremely important because when you\'re going out to look at investing in property, when you\'re looking at the property market, there\'s just so many properties out there and there\'s a lot of good opportunities out there as well. There\'s a lot of duds too, but there\'s a lot of good opportunities and it\'s really hard to decide what you should be investing in if you don\'t already have a strategy.\\n\\nSo having a strategy. The reason it\'s so important is that when you\'re on real that I knew and you\'re looking through the properties, you can instantly look at a property and say, is this, does this property fit into my strategy and is it going to help me achieve my financial goals? So the strategy is there to help you achieve your financial goals. You can instantly plug that property in to say, is this, does this line up with my strategy? If the answer\'s no, you discard it because you live in abundance. You know that there\'s so many opportunities out there. You don\'t need to look at everything, so it\'s just a way to filter through properties to find the pr...'