Core Concepts In The 2 Properties To Financial Freedom

Published: March 19, 2019, 8 p.m.

b'ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n{"@context":"http:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/","@id":"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/core-concepts-in-the-2-properties-to-financial-freedom\\\\/#arve-youtube-lxkhz_xohsu659a0b2c1b19f841426943","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/embed\\\\/lXKHz_xOHSU?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=0"}\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nWhat are the key ideas/core concepts that make the \'2 Properties to Financial Freedom\' strategy different from other strategies out there? Book a free strategy session - Download the 2 Properties Cheat Sheet -\\n\\n\\n\\n0:41 - The basics of the \'2 Properties to Financial Freedom\' strategy 2:35 - Core Concept #1: These Properties Will Pay Themselves Off! 6:25 - Core Concept #2: You can set yourself up for financial freedom in a short period of time (about 2-5 years for most people) 9:33 - Core Concept #3: There is a clear path to financial freedom without relying on capital growth 14:13 - Core Concept #4: There are 3 key stages to this strategy (#1. Buy and Build Properties, #2. Pay Off Debt, #3. Freedom) 18:26 - Core Concept #5: You don\'t need financial freedom to gain choices in your life and pursue happiness 23:53 - Core Concept #6: You stop once you\'re financially free, you can build your wealth even more 27:10 - Core Concept #7: You can still buy you\'re own home 30:26 - Core Concept #8: You don\'t need to stop at just 2 properties 34:31 - Core Concept #9: There is a lot of flexibility in this strategy 37:00 - Get the cheat sheet\\n\\n\\n\\nSimon bought his first property: Live strategy session with Ryan McLean: What it feels like to be financially free:\\n\\n\\n\\nTranscription:\\n\\n\\n\\nI spoken a lot about the two properties to financial freedom strategy. And today I want to talk about some of the core concepts that you need to understand in order to make this strategy work. So we\'re going to spend a bit of time today looking at some of the key ideas that make this investment strategy different from other strategies and the key ideas that you need to wrap your head around in order to really understand the strategy and make this strategy work for you. So it\'s going to be a bit of a longer one today. So strap in, I hope you enjoy it. Hey, I\'m Ryan from on-property dot com dot. A U helping you achieve financial freedom. And I\'ve been talking for the last year about this two properties to financial freedom strategy. If this is the first time that you\'ve heard it, the idea here is that you can set yourself up for financial freedom quite easily through investing in property.\\n\\n\\n\\nInstead of having some fancy fandangled property investment strategy where you had to buy 10 properties in 10 years and sell some and keep some, the strategy is very simple and straightforward. The idea is you purchase two properties, two houses to be precise and on each of those properties you build to granny flats in order to get extra rental income in order to get a positive cashflow. What you then do is focus on paying off those properties and in fact those properties will actually go ahead and pay themselves off, but you can obviously work harder to pay themselves off, so you purchased the properties, build the granny flats, then you pay off the debt and once the debt is paid off and you no longer have to pay a mortgage, you then live off the rental income of those properties. Now I do apologize for the background noise.\\n\\n\\n\\nI am filming it right next to a work site next door. They\'re building this I think five or six story apartment complex right next to where I am. So I apologize for the work noise in the background. Hopefully it\'s not too bad.'