Cashflow 101 Boardgame Review | Limited Replay Value

Published: Feb. 5, 2019, 8 p.m.

b'ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n{"@context":"http:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/","@id":"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/cashflow-101-boardgame-review-limited-replay-value\\\\/#arve-youtube-u8zvnj8qy5c659a0b2c7963c546891770","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/embed\\\\/U8zvnJ8qy5c?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=0"}\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nRobert Kiyosaki\'s Cashflow 101 Boardgame is designed to help you achieve financial freedom, but is it worth investing in? In this Cashflow 101 review I look at what the game is like, the replay value and whether or not I recommend you buy it.\\n\\n0:00 - Introduction\\n1:09 - How much is Cashflow 101?\\n1:40 - How does the game work?\\n2:55 - The game experience\\n4:56 - Do I think this game is worth purchasing?\\n7:25 - Summary of what you\'ll learn from the game\\n\\nCashflow 101 Boardgame\\nBuy on Ebay -\\nBuy on Amazon (AU) -\\nBuy on Amazon (US) -\\n\\nRecommended Books\\nRich Dad Poor Dad -\\nCash Flow Quadrant -\\nTranscription:\\nRobert kiyosaki\'s cashflow one-on-one board game is a board game that is designed to teach you financial skills and teach you some skills that you need to move towards becoming financially free and achieving financial freedom in your life. In this episode, I want to talk about my experience with the cashflow one-on-one board game and whether or not I would recommend it. Hey, I\'m Ryan from on-property dot com data. You helping you achieve financial freedom and this video was a request from a viewer that said, what do you think about the cash flow board game isn\'t worth investing in because it is quite an expensive board game. I myself love playing board games. I love cards against humanity that is absolutely hilarious. Monopoly. I actually refused to play anymore because they\'ve just been too many fights with friends and family members over monopoly and I just get quite competitive and I have my strategy when I play monopoly.\\n\\nThat\'s not really a fun strategy for everyone else. It\'s a strategy to try and win at everyone else\'s expense and so it\'s just. It\'s not good is not good for me, but what about cashflow? One-On-One isn\'t going to teach you the skills. Is it worth investing in because it is quite inexpensive. Board game, how much is a. let\'s check it out on Ebay. Okay. On Ebay I can see it\'s selling for around 70 to $90. Now we\'re going to check Amazon on Amazon it\'s about $140. So yeah, Ebay is probably the better option. I can link up to the board game down below if you guys are interested in it, but about 70 to $90 for this board game. Now I purchased this board game about nine or so years ago. I was really into Robert Kiyosaki\'s books. I still love his books today, but decided to go ahead and spend the money, purchase the board game to play with my then wife as well as my friends and signing off the board game is really quite fun to play.\\n\\nThe premise is you pick a card and you get a job, so in that job you might be a janitor and you have a low income or you may be a doctor and have an extremely high income. So you were thinking it\'d be better to be the doctor with the high income and in some circumstances that does help, but the goal of the game is to actually fully replace your income through the investments that you make. So one of the benefits of being the janitor with the low income is you don\'t need to earn as much money in order to become financially free and to move from the rat race onto what is it? The fast track, I think it\'s called in the gang and so that\'s the idea. You get a job, you need to invest in order to become financially free. You also get a sheet that has your assets,'