Adding New Habits Is Easy With This Simple Technique

Published: Dec. 15, 2018, 8 p.m.

b'ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n{"@context":"http:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/","@id":"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/adding-new-habits-is-easy-with-this-simple-technique\\\\/#arve-youtube-dfolxo-siak659a0b2cc950b459687920","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/embed\\\\/dFolxo-sIAk?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=0"}\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nWith the new year fast approaching it\'s likely you\'ll want to add some new habits into your life. With this simple technique adding habits into your life because really easy and almost automatic.\\n\\n0:20 - The Idea: Habit Stacking\\n2:30 - Another tip: Habit tracking\\n4:00 - You\'re likely habit stacking anyway\\n5:02 - Key tip: Make your habits less than 2 minutes\\n6:48 - Don\'t try to overhaul your entire life. Focus on getting just 1% better\\n8:24 - What habits are you going to stack into your life?\\n\\nRecommended Videos:\\nHow To Pay Off Credit Card Debt Faster -\\nTranscription:\\nGoing into a new year, chances are you want to add some new habits into your life, and this is one of the best ways that I\'ve found to add new habits into my life and it comes out of the cold atomic habits, which I\'ll link in the description down below, and no, it\'s not brushing your teeth or doing pushups. It\'s this idea called habit stacking. If you want to add a new habit into your life, take a habit that already exists and add the new habit directly after it. So the idea is that you take something that you already do repetitively every single day or every single week, and then you add your new habit directly after that. For example, right now my bed is made every single morning I get out of bed. Without fail, you may not believe it, but every single morning I get out of bed. That is a habit that I already do, so now I have it stack and on top of that I make my bed directly after I get out of bed, so I\'m already getting out of bed.\\n\\nThat\'s the trigger to then do the next habit, which is to make my bed after that I brushed my teeth, which you saw at the start of this video, and then after I brush my teeth, I do my pushups. Then after I\'ve done those things and only then will I go downstairs and make my coffee. That\'s another way to improve your habit. Stacking success and ensure that you stick with something is that after you do the habits that you should do the things that are gonna add value into your life. Then you reward yourself with something that you do want. So after I get up, make my bed, brush my teeth, do my pushups, then I get to reward myself with a coffee, but it\'s not that I need to remember to do these things because I\'m stacking these habits on top of things I already do.\\n\\nI don\'t really need to remember them and it has an added benefit. For example, brushing my teeth, which I do twice a day, sometimes three times a day, I really like having fresh breath is that that will then be a trigger for me to do some exercise, so in the morning it might be pushups in the night, it might be sit ups. If for some example, I\'m having a crazy morning with the kids and I don\'t actually get time to do my exercise in the morning after I brush my teeth. Well in the night I\'m going to be triggered to do that habit again because I\'ll brush my teeth again. I\'ll be triggered to do some pushups or some sit ups or some form of exercise. Here\'s another tip as well, and it\'s called habit tracking, so this is tracking your habits. Now this may just look like two espresso cups and it is, but these are special cups, actually have queens in them.\\n\\nNow this is the not done Espresso Cup and this is the done Espresso Cup. I\'ve got five and ten cent coins in here which represent two different activities I do for my business, the five cents a videos created, so I\'m doing daily videos and when they completely done, I\'m over coin from this Cup into this cup.'