A Better Way To Get Development Approval Compliant Development Code

Published: Nov. 1, 2016, 11 p.m.

b'ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n{"@context":"http:\\\\/\\\\/schema.org\\\\/","@id":"https:\\\\/\\\\/onproperty.com.au\\\\/better-way-get-development-approval-compliant-development-code\\\\/#arve-youtube-butkzflh01s659a0b2e22a17818092078","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\\\\/\\\\/www.youtube-nocookie.com\\\\/embed\\\\/BUtkZFlh01s?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=0"}\\n\\n\\n\\nMost of us know about the headaches of the council approval process, but not many people know they can fast track approval through the compliant development code.\\n\\nRyan:\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0 When it comes to renovating or developing property, most often you need to put your designs through council and go through that entire process in order to be able to actually build what you wanna build. However, there is another way to do it through the state environmental planning policy, we\'re specifically talking about New South Wales here. And this may eventually be expanded to medium housing as well. So there\'s opportunities to fast track developments for you guys.\\n\\nAnd so today, I have on the show Luke Durack from durackarchitects.com and he\'s gonna give us an overview of what exactly this is and so you can understand this opportunity. So hey Luke, thanks for coming on today.\\n\\nLuke:\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0 Good day, Ryan, thanks for having me.\\n\\nRyan:\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0 Okay so I think it\'s best to start where people are probably most familiar which is if we wanna do something to a property, let\'s say we wanna add a second storey or we wanna add a room at the back or any sort of development or renovation, most people would assume, "Okay, I\'ve gotta put that through council in order to get that approved."\\n\\nBut you\'re saying there\'s actually for some particular types of renovations or developments, there\'s another way to go about it. So can we start there?\\n\\nLuke:\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0 Yeah, so as you say, at the moment, still the standard way to go through a development pathway is to go, put your documents in place and submit to council a DA. But there is a fast tracked way of getting development and building approval in one hit that allows you to bypass council altogether.\\n\\nSo for certain types of development, for example a house, adding a second level to a house, a single storey house or a two storey dwelling, you put together your ... there\'s certain documents that are required to satisfy the requirements of this compliant development code and submit them to a private certifier and you can have your building approval within 10 to 20 days as opposed to going through council and all the months of headache that that might create.\\n\\nRyan:\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0 Yeah, and then if you do get approved or you don\'t and it comes back and you\'ve gotta adjust things and you gotta go through the council process again. It can be very difficult for people, I know.\\n\\nLuke:\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0 Exactly. So this is a real winner but a lot of people don\'t know it exists. And you know, it\'s only for certain types of development. And it\'s very black and white whereas the current DA process, there\'s some room for movement, there\'s some gray areas. With compliant development, you basically have to tick all the boxes. As soon as you don\'t tick one box, you fall outside, the ability to run down that path and you have to go back to a DA.\\n\\nRyan:\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0 So do granny flats fall under this? \'Cause I know recently in New South Wales it\'s become much easier to build granny flats?\\n\\nLuke:\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0 Yeah, it does. So it includes studios, granny flats. As you probably know, there is I think 450 square meter minimum lots size for granny flats.\\n\\nRyan:\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0 For me to build up to 60 square meters, et cetera.\\n\\nLuke:\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0 That\'s right. Those sorts of ... just the way DA has certain requirements through the DCP and LEPs, the compliant development has a set of controls that revolve around the same sort of things.\\n\\nSo [inaudible 00:03:39], landscape, you know, building height, setbacks and that sort of thing.'