11 Things To Do If Youre Not Ready To Invest In Property Yet

Published: Dec. 22, 2018, 8 p.m.

b'ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n{"@context":"http:\\\\/\\\\/schema.org\\\\/","@id":"https:\\\\/\\\\/onproperty.com.au\\\\/11-things-to-do-if-youre-not-ready-to-invest-in-property-yet\\\\/#arve-youtube-togha6ap6ve659a0b2cb9253036501965","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\\\\/\\\\/www.youtube-nocookie.com\\\\/embed\\\\/TOGHA6ap6vE?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=0"}\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nIf you\'re passionate about investing in property but not quite ready to go then here are 11 things you can do if you\'re not ready to invest in property yet.\\n\\n0:00 - Introduction\\n0:55 - #1: Learn How To Budget\\n2:28 - #2: Automate Your Finances\\n3:20 - #3: Pay off Debt\\n3:50 - #4: Pay Yourself First\\n4:50 - #5: Earn More Money\\n5:37 - #6: See a Mortgage Broker\\n7:08 - #7: Start Reading Books\\n8:13 - #8: Get The Right Property Investment Strategy\\n9:22 - Get one-on-one help\\n10:00 - #9: Find The Best Suburbs To Invest In\\n11:47 - #10: Find The Best Properties in a Suburb\\n12:38 - #11: Learn To Assess The Cash Flow of a Property\\n\\nResources Mentioned:\\nAdvanced Suburb Research Course - https://onproperty.com.au/suburb\\nProperty Tools - https://propertytools.com.au\\n\\nRecommended Books\\nThe Barefoot Investor - https://onproperty.com.au/barefoot\\nLinchpin - https://onproperty.com.au/linchpin\\n\\nRecommended Videos\\n10 Ways To Make Money From Scratch - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIvRMTXcLbs\\nHow To Find The Best Properties in a Suburb - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7f0ETsKRD0U\\nTranscription:\\nSo you passionate about investing in property, you want to start building out those foundational properties, work towards financial freedom, but you\'re not quite ready to invest yet. Maybe you haven\'t quite savior deposit, maybe can\'t quite get a loan yet. Here\'s 11 different things that you can do if you\'re not quite there yet and not quite ready to invest, and these 11 things go into two major categories. The first category is what I call your financial house or getting your financial house in order, and the second category is your property investment skills, which you can work on even if you\'re not quite ready to buy yet. So let\'s jump in and first talk about getting your financial house in order, which is going to be key if you\'re going to save a deposit and if you\'re going to be in a position to borrow money from the banks in order to purchase a property, the first thing that you need to do to get your financial house in order is to actually learn how to budget.\\n\\nThis is something that took me years to work out. I tried multiple different types of budgeting and none of them really worked for me. That was until I read this book, the barefoot investor. If you haven\'t checked it out, go ahead and check it out. I\'ll leave the links in the description down below or you can go to on-property dot com dot EU for sash barefoot. In here he talks about how to automate your finances, how to set a budget, and I found this extremely helpful and has just been great. I also kind of did. I slightly edited what he recommends, so if you want to check that out, just go to youtube and search barefoot. Investor bank accounts and my video will come up for that one. So step number one is learning how to budget. So little quick rundown of how I do it is that basically each week I pay myself, so money automatically goes for rent, it goes for paying off debt, it goes for savings.\\n\\nAnd then I have a weekly amount that I can live off my other bills are also accounted for and paid for, but I have a weekly discretionary income that I can use towards food, towards going out towards whatever it may be. So everything is automated in terms of paying off debt savings, paying the bills, and then I have a set amount each week that I can live off and that\'s just the best way I\'ve found to do it. The second thing you can do, which is kind of in line with the first one and learning how to budget and...'