1 Key Investment Principle Most People Miss: Responsibility

Published: March 18, 2018, 11 p.m.

b'ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n{"@context":"http:\\\\/\\\\/schema.org\\\\/","@id":"https:\\\\/\\\\/onproperty.com.au\\\\/1-key-investment-principle\\\\/#arve-youtube-sgovoeg5rm8","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\\\\/\\\\/www.youtube-nocookie.com\\\\/embed\\\\/sGOvoeG5rM8?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=0"}\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nPeople often fail to succeed in property or in life because the refuse to take full and utter responsibility for what happens to them. Are you ready to step into responsibility and the life lessons and positive change that come from that?\\n\\nHey guys, Ryan here from OnProperty.com.au. I help people find positive cash flow property and I am walking around my office today because this is an episode that I\'ve wanted to create for quite a long time and I actually went for a walk a couple of years ago and did an entire rant on this but never actually published it because the audio quality wasn\'t very good and I felt like I could have explained it better and I always had the intention of re-recording the episode and explaining it better.\\n\\nBut every time I sat down to do it I just found that it was extremely difficult to get this concept across in a way that was good for people to understand. And so I\'ve just tried sitting down at my desk and recording it down there and couldn\'t make it work. So I\'m trying to standing up and walking around because I really want to get this episode out no matter how good the quality.\\n\\nSo I\'ll try my best. And that\'s this idea that there\'s this one key principle that people forget or people miss or people choose not to care about when it comes to investing, whether that be investing in property or other investments. And that\'s this idea of taking complete responsibility for yourself and your financial actions.\\n\\nWhen I invest in something, when I put my money into something, when I start a particular business, I take full responsibility for the outcome of that investment. So if I invest it in something and it loses money, I can blame the people responsible for me losing money or I can take responsibility myself. So let me use an example. This was going on about seven years ago. I was really quite poor living in my mother-in-law\'s granny flat with my wife and our baby girl who is now nearly eight years old.\\n\\nSo yeah, about seven years ago and we didn\'t have a lot of money. I think I was working one or two days a week trying to get my online business off the ground, which didn\'t work and my wife was taking care of our kid. So we did not have much money at all, like it\'s ridiculous to look back and look at how much little money we lived off back in the day. But I discovered this idea of buying things from China, importing them and then selling them on Ebay and I found this opportunity in usb sticks where you could purchase them from China for a decent price and then sell them for a hefty profit on Ebay. And so I purchased some of these USB sticks.\\n\\nI think I purchased a small amount and sold them and thought shivers, this is good. So I basically put all our savings at the time, which was about a thousand dollars into purchasing more of these USB sticks from this company.\\n\\nAnd so I purchased, sent the money across and then after I had sent the money, I found out that the initial batch people were complaining and sending them back because they were actually fake. They weren\'t actually, I think it was 32 Gig at the time. Um, and the USB sticks weren\'t actually 32 Gig, but they were just kind of pretending to be. So you would put more data on there, it would overwrite old data, et cetera.\\n\\nAnd so it was this whole problem basically. And so I had just put a lot of money into these USB sticks to purchase more from China and the ones that I had sent out were faulty. And so basically I was in a situation where I had been defrauded by this company and there\'s nothing I can really do about th...'