[Unedited] Joshua DuBois With Krista Tippett

Published: May 28, 2009, noon

b'In this unedited conversation, we meet Joshua DuBois, the 26-year-old political strategist, Pentecostal minister, and trusted associate of the president who will lead this charge. The very words \\u201cfaith-based\\u201d became controversial during the Bush administration, yet Barack Obama has retained the faith-based centers in 11 federal agencies that his predecessor created. And within weeks of assuming the presidency, he announced priority areas for his own White House Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships \\u2014 including economic recovery and poverty reduction, abortion reduction, responsible fatherhood, and global interfaith dialogue. See more at onbeing.org/program/obamas-faith-based-office-meeting-joshua-dubois/135'