Ai-jen Poo and Tarana Burke The Future of Hope 5

Published: April 21, 2022, 6 p.m.

b'The visionary, next-generation organizer Ai-jen Poo says this of Tarana Burke: \\u201cThere are just so many layers of hope that she brings to the world and to people like me, to survivors, to all kinds of communities.\\u201d Ai-jen and Tarana are the conversation partners for this episode of The Future of Hope. And what a conversation it is. We listen in on a brilliant friendship that has powered and sustained two extraordinary women who are leading defining movements of this generation that call us to our highest humanity. Ai-jen has been long ahead of a cultural curve we are all on now \\u2014 of seeing the urgent calling to update and transform not just how we value the caregiving workforce of millions, but how we value care itself as a society. Tarana founded the \\u2018me too.\\u2019 Movement. What you are about to hear is intimate, revelatory, and rooted in trust and care. It\\u2019s also an invitation to all of us, to imagine and build a more graceful way to remake the world.'