Episode 10: Australia

Published: July 10, 2009, 5:11 p.m.

b"At long last, a new episode....Everybody knows about Nick Cave and the Birthday Party coming from Australia--but what other bands came out around that time, and just after? Here in the US, we heard more about Australia at the end of the 80's with the Paisley Underground / New Psych sound ( Guano Bats, Lime Spiders, --) coming from Down Under. Australia had a TON of punk and post punk bands that we only heard a few of in the US-( like Midnight Oil and Shriekback). Check out the book Inner City Sound : Punk and Post Punk in Australia 1976 - 1985 for a more complete overview-- This episode features Bagavahd Guitars, Radio Birdman, Voight 465, Crime and the City Solution, The Laughing Clowns, The Apartments, The Church, SPK and Severed Heads."