Positioning Your Business, Episode 96

Published: April 1, 2016, 7:10 p.m.

Ever feel like you’re competing against every other WordPress developer, designer, or consultant out there? The reality is you’re not competing – you have a unique value proposition you bring to the table. There’re so many folks that don’t realize that. They keep lowering their prices, offering a wider variety of services, and doing their best to appeal to the masses. The sad result is that a lot of what you and I do for a living is viewed as a commodity. How can you charge what you’re actually worth when someone is offering (what looks to be) the same service on Fiverr. Meet Philip Morgan, a consultant to consultant. He literally wrote the book on how technical firms should position themselves. If you’re feeling like a little fish in a big sea and want to know how to stand out (swim out?), this is an episode you don’t want to miss.