Troy Osinoff: A Frame Work to Scale DTC Brands | Office Hours Ep. 2

Published: Feb. 4, 2020, 8:04 p.m.

On this episode of Office Hours, host Richie Mashiko chats with Troy Osinoff, the founder of Juice, an agency in New York that is built to help companies grow. Before Juice, Troy’s website was acquired when he was around 20, he funded a recording studio that went on to win a few Grammys, started a website about doing dares that was featured on Dr. Phil, had a Tumblr go viral that he sold the rights of to John Krasinski and Fox, was the head of customer acquisition at BuzzFeed, and much more. In this episode, Troy and Richie talk about some of the tactics he and his team at Juice use to help grow ecommerce companies, why brands need to focus on retention, and a little about venture capital and DTC brands.