Episode 35: College Admission Scandal, FDA and the Opioid Addiction Fight, Power of Asking, Effective Time Management, and Professional Self Awareness

Published: March 19, 2019, 7:30 p.m.


Show Description:


Drawing from the biggest stories from last week, we discuss the FDA and the newest opioid legislation, and the effects that it could have on doctors and the pharmaceutical industry. We also discuss the recent college admission scandal and the overlying issue with the college admission process.


We talk about some life events involving the power of asking. Involving our readings from this week, we get into effective time management and being aware of how negative habits and fear can keep you in a job that doesn't truly fulfill you.


Show Highlights:


3:10-13:10: We discuss the Opioid Bill that the senate recently passed, and its impact on solving opioid addiction and death. We look at it from both sides, exploring the business impact on doctor's offices and the pharmaceutical industry.
\\n13:10-24:40: We take a look at the $25MM college admission cheating scandal involving 750 wealthy families in the United States, the bribing of test officials, and college coaches. We discuss the meaning behind this and its effect on the perception of the education system as a whole.
\\n24:40-29:40: Colin and Tim each talk about specific incidents where they learned the power of asking
\\n29:40-43:40: Drawing from the book Don't Sweat the Small Stuff, We get into time management and making a realistic and effective daily to do list. We explain further how to decide the degree of importance and urgency you should assign to the tasks throughout your day, which in turn will allow you to budget time in a more efficient way.
\\n43:40-52:25: Analyzing Napoleon Hill's interview with the Devil, we talk about the different doors and methods that the Devil tries to get into your mind, including fear, the concept of "drifting," and how this affects you when you decide which job to pursue after college
