From Victim to Victory, with Chloe Howard

Published: Oct. 12, 2018, 9 a.m.

b'Chloe Howard was born with a severe club foot. Listen in as she shares the inspiring true story from her new book, “Stand Beautiful.”
\\nChloe Howard \\xa0was born with a severe foot deformity. \\xa0She has had numerous operations and faced daunting challenges but has always met each hurdle with emotional strength and grace. \\xa0\\xa0In 2014, Chloe was a victim of assault and bullying at her high school. Six months later, she had the\\xa0courage to begin telling her story. She met Bono who spoke powerful words about fighting\\xa0injustice. \\xa0This became a turning point for Chloe and would mark\\xa0a recovery story that builds in strength with each re-telling.
\\nStand Beautiful: A story of brokenness, beauty and embracing it all: In Stand Beautiful, international speaker and TEDx presenter Chloe Howard shares her story of overcoming injustice, battling self-doubt, and rising up to speak out, fueled by a powerful encounter with Bono from the band U2. Chloe\\u2019s story shows that even through brokenness and shame, we can venture toward hope, accept our unique selves, and share in our human experiences. Chloe boldly addresses the unlikely hero in each of us. Readers will be inspired to be brave, to speak up against injustice, and redefine beauty as more than what the eye can see. Chloe shares how faith enabled her to endure physical and emotional pain, spurring readers to delve into authenticity and stand beautiful.
\\nStand Beautiful, picture book: With playful text and adorable illustrations by Deborah Melmon, this picture book asks the question: Will YOU stand beautiful too?
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