Break Free from Drama: Finding Peace in the Midst of Panic with Dr Mark Sherwood

Published: Aug. 19, 2022, 7:01 a.m.


In our 24/7 news cycle, it\\u2019s easy to become addicted to drama. The headlines scream the next crisis and culture reacts accordingly. New day, new disease. New day, new directive. The result? Many of us, and consequently our children, are addicted to adrenaline and its cousin, cortisol\\u2014and it\\u2019s not good for us. The Bible teaches us that fear is a spirit and that it is not from God. So what to do? How can we live free from fear and walk in newness of life in Christ? How can we teach our children what it looks like to walk in peace regardless of what\\u2019s happening around us? Listen in as Dr. Mark Sherwood and I discuss it!. SHOW NOTES

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