OFI 904: Shielding Farm Sales From Taxes Through A 1031 Exchange | Brandon Bruckman | Insight Real Estate Partners

Published: Oct. 9, 2020, 6:30 a.m.

SHOW NOTES The Off-Farm Income Podcast has its focus on small business and entrepreneurship in agriculture.  But a broader goal is helping people in the agricultural and farming lifestyle.  From time to time, I am contacted by people with businesses servicing the farming industry who want to come on the show and talk about what they do.  I investigate what each of these companies are offering to determine if there is actual value offered to farmers.  I allow some of them to come on the show and tell some of them "no". I was recently contacted by Brandon Bruckman of Insight Real Estate Partners.  He wanted to come on the show and talk about the service that they offer to retiring farmers to help them shield the money they obtain from the sale of their farms from taxes.  They use a 1031 exchange to do this, and Brandon explained to me that there is a mis-perception about 1031 exchanges in which farmers believe they can only exchange to another farm, and therefore to shield the money they have to farm until the day that they die. Brandon notified me that this is actually not the case, and there is a way to do the exchange into a vehicle that requires no management and returns passive income to the retiring farmer.  I saw value in that and decided to have Brandon on the show to talk about this option. As I always state when I do an episode like this, I received no payment to have Brandon on the show and would not accept payment for this.  Insight Real Estate Partners is not a sponsor of the Off-Farm Income Podcast, and me having them on the show is not an endorsement of this idea. My hope is that this information can be helpful to farmers who are at this stage of life or who know somebody that is.  Best of luck to all of you! HOW TO CONTACT BRANDON: Website: LINK Telephone: (913) 800-0954 Email: brandon@insight1031.com Where Off-Farm Income And Matt Brechwald Can Be Heard:   Member Of The National Association Of Farm Broadcasters