17: This Podcast Will End at the Burp

Published: Oct. 29, 2020, 9 a.m.

b'John has finished his TAFF report, Alison wants you to upgrade to Zoom 5.3, and Liz ate a cake.\\nPlease email your letters of comment to octothorpecast@gmail.com and use #OctothorpeCast when you post about the show on social media.\\nYou can now join Punctuation.\\nLetters of comment:\\n\\u201cCrazy\\u201d Dave Mansfield\\nI have a longer form of this in draft, but just wanted to say that I\\u2019ve listened to 11 to 14 this morning. And it was really amusing hearing the shift from reviewing online conventions, to worrying that the wrong format was getting to be a tradition, to it being clear (with hindsight) that you were going to run one. Then episode 15 running with that as an accidental gag of failing to announce it was perfect. Hopefully I\\u2019ll finish the actual LOC today.\\nIf Zoom is methadone for con social spaces, and Discord paracetamol, is Octothorpe one of those double blind trials, where it turns out placebo is better than the current version?\\n\\nClaire Brialey of Croydon\\n\\u201d\\u2026the Discord chat has already made me feel quite fannish - i.e. interested and engaged and amused and occasionally irritated.\\u201d\\n\\u201c\\u2026please continue with your attempts to baffle Neil Gaiman by sending him a corner of a completed jigsaw puzzle.\\u201d\\n\\u201cIf that all becomes too difficult, you could probably achieve the same immediate effect by sending him some Weetabix.\\u201d\\n\\n\\nFIYAH Literary Magazine\\nFIYAHCON 2020\\nVida Cruz on #FiyahConFringe\\n\\nEssence of Wonder\\u2019s weekendly panels\\nIneffable Con 2\\nRachael\\u2019s Twitter thread on the unnamed technology used\\n\\nUsing Game Design to Make Virtual Events More Social\\nMulti-User Dungeons\\nPlay the Hitchhiker\\u2019s Guide to the Galaxy here\\nRead John\\u2019s walkthrough here\\n\\nPunctuation has a venue to tell us what you miss about conventions and socialising in the pandemic.\\nStaying sane in the apocalypse\\nUsing Buddymove to stretch throughout the day\\nAlison has bought a concertina from Alex Holden\\nAlex\\u2019s Instagram\\nAlex\\u2019s photo of Alison\\u2019s concertina\\nThe history of the concertina according to Wikipedia\\n\\nLiz had a cake spray-painted with rum\\nJohn has had (whisper it) friends over for tea\\nJohn has an outdoor heater\\nJohn has finished his TAFF trip report\\nJohn spent 14 hours playing Arkham Horror: The Card Game yesterday\\n\\n\\nOur theme music is Fanfare for Space by Kevin MacLeod, used under a CC BY 3.0 license.'