Episode 79: PAX Director's Cut

Published: March 30, 2013, 8 p.m.

b"Hello, and welcome to Episode 79, our PAX East recap! Kicking things off, we have a segment recorded from the hotel room after day 2 featuring just about everyone who was at PAX East. We make a lot of dumb jokes, and talk about the variety of games we saw, including Deus Ex, Shovel Knight, Toki Tori 2, DuckTales, and more! Also, there was lots of beer involved. After that, you'll find the entirety of our live game of Who Wants to be a Nintendoaire? Listen along as contestants from the audience fight tooth and nail for one of our illustrious prizes. Also, hear the audience groan audibly at least three (3!) of the questions written by Zach Miller! Thanks to everyone who came to Nintendoaire or just said hi over the weekend. It was an incredible time for all of us. If you have some listener mail to share, click here to send it our way. See you next week with a regular show!"