14 Bauke Hanekom - tips to lose weight, build muscle, app's & tools to optimize your body

Published: Oct. 14, 2020, 1:18 p.m.

Bauke Hanekom is the Co Owner of Oxygen Functional Fitness. he is a professional trainer and athlete. Bauke is a muscle building and shredding machine. We got super practical on tips, tools and techniques on how to optimizeyour body as well as deep dived into our bromance moments of what impact Buake has had on my life. I share a true personal story at the end where Bauke stepped up showed his insane leadership skills in a locker room a few years ago. Bauke shares: How to lose weight in a healthy way How to build muscle like a champ The importance of doing what you love and self-development App’s and techniques to optimise your body and the insane challenge he did: burning 15 000 calories in 24 hours. There is a way to help you be better prepared for when these physical challenges come your way… make sure your body is already in an optimal state. Join the Tribe www.novieguide.com Become The Best Version Of Yourself