32. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley and eerie books to read with the lights on

Published: Oct. 20, 2020, 8 a.m.


Today Chelsey and Sara are discussing Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. We admit to some bad English major habits in this episode, and we get super nerdy with a discussion on Gothic novels and the Romantic literary movement, modern horror, and the history behind Mary Shelley\\u2019s iconic monster. We also make some surprising modern connections across science, ethics, and social media. If you\\u2019re in the mood for eerie, spooky, and not-too-scary reads this month, get ready to take note of our pairings in this episode.\\xa0


Our discussion includes:

  • Sara\\u2019s experience with teaching Frankenstein in the high school classroom [8:20]
  • The stranger-than-fiction true story behind the novel [10:30]
  • Defining \\u201cGothic novels,\\u201d historical and contemporary [20:05]


Plus, as always, we\\u2019re recommending six contemporary books to pair with our classic,\\xa0 including graphic novels and absorbing nonfiction.


Shop our pairings: https://bookshop.org/lists/novel-pairings-for-frankenstein


Sign up for Libro.fm: https://libro.fm/redeem/novelpairings


What to read or skip in Frankenstein:


  • Victor thinking about creating his creature
  • Creating the monster
  • Monster talking to Victor
  • Skip all of the wandering around the countryside












Shop the pairings:\\xa0\\xa0


Chelsey\\u2019s Pairings:


Sara\\u2019s Pairings:

Picks of the Week:

Chelsey: Penny Dreadful on Showtime/Netflix

Sara: Mary\\u2019s Monster by Lita Judge

\\xa0Illustrations: https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781626725003
