Power Of Free Speech and Podcasting - Day 4 - 31 Day Challenge

Published: July 4, 2020, 9 p.m.

Welcome to day number four of my 31 day challenge in July, that being producing and publishing a podcast every day during the month of July.  Being the Fourth of July holiday, I thought I'd hit upon how podcasting is really the purest form of free speech in modern media. I did a podcast just recently about some thoughts about that, and I'll put a https://notetofutureme.com/2020/06/08/podcasting-and-your-first-amendment-right/ (quick link in the podcast show notes) about that. I think we're very fortunate to live in this time that we have podcasts that really no one can shut down, ultimately, depending on how you're hosting your audio. We're pretty lucky at this point in time. If you have a voice, you have a microphone, have recording software, you have a website, and you can put that audio up there and tell people about it. Unbelievable times we live in. It's fantastic.  But everything in modern society today, though, is automated, if you think about it. It seems to be unoriginal. Offered by a select few sources, a few conglomerates are really running TV entertainment. Hollywood entertainment. We're given the illusion of choice, but in reality there really isn't much difference in what we choose.  As a society, we traded some individuality and atmosphere for convenience and low prices. I think the same could be said about entertainment overall, too. Everything seems to be a reboot, or a remaster. The video game industry is battling to see who can make the next Fortnight clone. And Hollywood's doing unwanted sequels to movie after movie.  But then there are podcasts. In our current media landscape, podcasts...I guess you could call them a rebel in a leather jacket. There are no rules when it comes to podcasting. They're mostly unfiltered, non-commercial. If you think about the purest form of free speech in modern media, anyone can start a podcast. Which means you can listen to plenty of unique conversations, colorful, to exciting individuals, who feature conversations we tend to only have with our friends. You're listening in on some new conversations that would never be heard on TV. If you can think of a topic, there's probably a podcast for it. Podcasts give people freedom. It's a place for everyone to escape and express their individuality. With podcasts, we're no longer feeling lonely or weird in liking something that isn't popular. It's why the popularity of podcasting continues to grow each year. I think it's something that we need to treasure. We need to protect and continue to help it grow. And that being produce great content, get in the space and make it masterful, make it episode after episode after episode of informing your audience. Make it so that your podcast becomes so habit forming, if you take off a week, it's almost like taking a pinky off your hand. It just hurts.  We can do so much with this platform. And we are doing so much with this platform. I think we're just beginning to understand the power of what we can do with podcasting. And I think we need to keep that in mind as we celebrate this Independence Day, this Fourth of July. Thanks for being here for day number four of my 31 day challenge in July. Talk to you on day number five. And I want to thank ArchesAudio dot com for the music you're hearing the very beginning. I have no affiliation with that company, but I just ran across this website. They provide audio to podcasters for free as long as you give them some accreditation in verbally in your podcast as well on the show podcast notes. So head on over there, ArchesAudio dot com. Really a good resource for music. I'm pretty impressed with it. You just need some editing skills because it's a full length piece of music. But pretty easy to do the intro and outro, just edit and make it smaller. But ArchesAudio dot com. Recorded in Studio C at https://my.captivate.fm/www.channel511.com (Channel 511), in the Brewery District, downtown Columbus, OH. Brett Johnson...