Internal Company Podcasts

Published: Aug. 26, 2020, 11 a.m.


What\\u2019s an internal company podcast? 

It\\u2019s a podcast that is often, but not always, privately distributed, and it\\u2019s produced by a company for its employees. 

Why An Internal Company Podcast?

Employer of choice/retention \\u2014 Showing your staff that you care, that you are communicating effectively, and giving them information that they need to succeed is a fantastic retention strategy.

Onboarding \\u2014 give all new employees, or people in new roles, the information and advice they need to start their new roles successfully. 

Learning and development \\u2014 help people in different roles and at different stages of their careers build new skills, learn new strategies, and discover new ideas

Internal communications \\u2014 make sure all your employees know what\\u2019s going on inside your company

Culture building \\u2014 share your values, tell stories to your team in your own voice, celebrate the wins that define and build your culture.

American Airlines created their podcast Tell Me Why because they surveyed their 122,000 employees who said they wanted more information about the company they work for.

The power of audio

Why choose to make an internal podcast compared to other mediums?

  • ...friendly and less formal way to have these types of conversations
  • is not a screen-based medium, so people can listen on their commutes, working out, etc
  • ...ability to have deeper explorations of a topic because of the longer episode length
  • holds people\\u2019s attention for longer periods of time
  •\\u2019s not email or video. A lot of employees are burned out on email, especially internal messaging

Who should produce an internal podcast?

  • ...if you have big, nuanced issues that need to be discussed with all employees and that are too sensitive to be made public, a private podcast where you can explore those issues in depth makes a lot of sense
  • ...if you are a rapidly growing company and have lots of new employees joining on an ongoing basis
  • ...companies with LOTS of employees are a great fit. It\'s an easy way to communicate effectively.

Measuring Success

  • ...getting your employees to listen is a key metric
  • ...completion rates of episodes is another great metric
  • ...surveys or research with your staff about whether the podcast is helping to achieve those goals