Robert Leitschuh | Seventh Sojourn · The Moody Blues

Published: June 3, 2018, 5 p.m.

1972 · Threshold

1972 · Threshold

Bob Leitschuh returns to Note for Note to discuss Seventh Sojourn by the Moody Blues with his daughter, and host of Note for Note, Michelle. This time they get into a heaver discussion about the distributive methods of music and how that lead to the music scene being more heavily dominated by specific artists and genre. With music nowadays being so accessible they question whether artist who rise to prominence these days will have a harder time remaining in the cultural zeitgeist. Opposed to past artist who would by demand dominate the radio almost putting a roadblock to newer artist, not to take anything away from those past artist. Listen in as they discuss this and other musical phenomenons on this week's Note for Note.