
Published: Nov. 21, 2018, 8 p.m.


Inspired by its feature role in First Man, a closer look at the first aircraft to fly into space.


In the annotated screenplay for First Man, author Josh Singer was asked \\u201cwhy start with the X-15?\\u201d for the gripping opening scene in the movie. His answer was simple: \\u201cwe fell in love with the aircraft. The fastest and highest flying\\u2026ever built\\u2026[it] flew well over Mach 6 (4,520 miles per hour) and more than 50 miles high, well outside the sensible atmosphere.\\u201d Singer\\u2019s collaborator and Neil Armstrong\\u2019s official biographer, James R. Hansen, adds a fascinating historical footnote: the eponymous first man \\u201creally didn\\u2019t enjoy talking about the Moon landing, probably because that was all anyone ever asked him about. But ask him about the\\u2026X-15 and he\\u2019d talk a blue streak.\\u201d


It\\u2019s not surprising the famously taciturn pilot-first-astronaut-later Neil Armstrong was a chatterbox when it came to this remarkable aircraft...

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Listen to the rest by clicking the play button, above. The text version of this essay can be found on Medium where it was published contemporaneously. (photo: Air Force Flight Test Center History Office)
