Haastava talvi asuntomarkkinoilla

Published: Dec. 2, 2022, 12:33 p.m.

b'Asuntomarkkinoilla kehitys heikkeni selke\\xe4sti vuoden j\\xe4lkipuoliskolla kauppam\\xe4\\xe4rien perusteella. Talven n\\xe4kym\\xe4t ovat haastavat, mutta viimeist\\xe4\\xe4n kes\\xe4aurinko alkaa j\\xe4lleen l\\xe4mmitt\\xe4\\xe4 asuntomarkkinoita. Millaista laskua asuntohinnoissa voidaan ensi vuonna n\\xe4hd\\xe4? Onko markkinatilanteessa voittajia? Ovatko lainanantokriteerit muuttuneet?\\n\\nN\\xe4ihin ja muihin asuntomarkkinoiden ajankohtaisiin kysymyksiin vastauksia pohtivat Nordean analyytikko Antti Koskivuo ja Kiinnitysluottopankin toimitusjohtaja Jussi Pajala.\\n\\nDisclaimer:\\nAll opinions and estimates in this podcast are, regardless of source, given in good faith, and may only be valid as of the stated publication date and are subject to change without notice. The podcast is intended only to provide general and preliminary information to investors and shall not be construed as the basis for any investment decision. This publication or report has been prepared by Nordea Markets as general information for private use of investors to whom the publication or report has been distributed, but it is not intended as a personal recommendation of particular financial instruments or strategies and thus it does not provide individually tailored investment advice, and does not take into account the individual investor\\u2019s particular financial situation, existing holdings or liabilities, investment knowledge and experience, investment objective and horizon or risk profile and preferences. The investor must particularly ensure the suitability of an investment as regards his/her financial and fiscal situation and investment objectives. The investor bears the risk of losses in connection with an investment. Before acting on any information in this publication or report, it is recommendable to consult one\\u2019s financial advisor.'