September 7, 2023 When Clippers Go CRINGE! Ray Brings The Women!

Published: Sept. 7, 2023, 2:30 p.m.

\\nRumors are swirling that Drunk on Cringe is a GONER! All of his social media, his YouTube channel and his website have vanished. There’s even an announcement of his DEMISE from his poor, fat German mama! Patrick issues his statement and addresses the allegations. Kevin Brennan has gone missing, YouTube issues an apology to Shuli, and Joey C is biting off more legal problems than his trailer trash family can afford. Ray DeVito is going live, and we’re gonna be sniping him just because! It’s wacky timeslot week here at NLO, so deal with it and roll with the changes. You can’t dodge an onion, ya big spalootch! It’s a Thursday and we are most certainly doing it.