Episode 115 - The Dr. Doolittle Raid

Published: July 2, 2019, 6:48 p.m.

To celebrate the 4th of July, Bob and Zipp talk about some odd moments in American history, usually while using inappropriate adjectives. So come learn about some ‘good’ POW stories, ‘hilarious’ Desert Storm casualties, and how much Bob ‘loves’ the USS Indianapolis tragedy. Follow the No Redeeming Qualities Podcast! It’s the best way to find new episodes, see memes, and check out the occasional butt or two! Website: NRQpodcast.com
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 Patreon: Patreon.com/NRQpodcast Sponsor’s for today’s episode are:
 Defendmetexas.com                                                                                        Cbdeeznutz.net (promo code NRQ10) Music provided by The Bass Chef. He can be contacted for gigs at the following:
 Twitter: @The_Bass_Chef
 Snapchat and Instagram: @thebasschef
 Email: thebasschef@gmail.com