11. Producing great work in the digital world so you have freedom in the real one Arley Cornell

Published: Sept. 16, 2019, 11 a.m.


Show Notes


Many creatives spend a lot of time producing content for the digital space, but if we aren\'t careful they world can keep us from really enjoying the real world.  This can be in part because they get sucked into the digital one, or because they haven\'t structured work in such a way that it lets them have that freedom.
\\nIn Wesley\'s conversation with Arley we talk about how Arley got started as an animator and then dive into the 3-month road trip that he took with his wife around the US.  


For some the idea of taking 3 months off is unheard of!  We dive into what he had to do get there and in part it comes down to how we prioritize our lives.


This podcast also includes an except from Paul Jarvis\' podcast series Company of One.


We talk about the tips for creating passion projects that you enjoy and how having a short compressed timeline for your personal projects is one way to stay on track.


Both Arley and Wesley share about how woodworking has been a healthy outlet when they needed a break from the digital space.


You can see Arley\'s work at:


Or see photos from his road trip:

