E66: A Thousand Sides to Every Story

Published: Nov. 8, 2016, 4:17 a.m.


Welcome to your non-Election Day Election Day Episode.

"A Wedding Jig" is a fractured fairy tale of the most fractured sort. By Sarah Haasl, copyright 2016, used with permission. Read Sarah\'s bio.

Chance plays a big part in how we live. Our lives really are the result of "A Lottery of Birth." By Donovan James, copyright 2010, used with permission. Read Donovan\'s bio.

It\'s quite a trip when you go into "The Mind." By Levi Andrew Noe, copyright 2016, used with permission. Visit Levi\'s website.

I was sorry I couldn\'t get permission to use an election year poem by Janet Wong, but do check out her book and her poems.

