Small Groups Are Behind Big Ideas for Inclusive Diversity

Published: Feb. 5, 2018, midnight

Conferences are great for sharing the latest, most innovative ways to make a difference at your workplace, for your workforce. When it comes to diversity and inclusion, HCI’s Innovation Sprints take big concepts and case studies, and in smaller groups, discuss what new practices can be done immediately to make a real impact at work. Like a Hackathon, the Innovation Sprint team chooses a concept and comes up with big ideas for diversity and inclusion programs, cultures, communication and hiring practices, leadership approaches, and whatever might create a more inclusive and diverse workplace, and set change in motion. As small teams hack into new learnings and approaches, a new process is actually being taught. What influences inclusive diversity and what working parts are required by leaders? Only when change is introduced can the overall system become better. Learn more about the 2018 Inclusive Diversity Conference: