15: Discover e-commerce with Nuggets. Say goodbye to entering card details, remembering passwords and worrying about hackers.

Published: Sept. 29, 2018, 9:45 a.m.

Alastair Johnson, founder and CEO of Nuggets, explains how this e-commerce and identity platform makes the business of buying online much easier and more enjoyable. And of course the underlying technology is Blockchain.      The result is a simplified and much more secure process and it’s a business with built in network effects. The more buyers there are, the more valuable the Nuggets platform is to merchants - and vice versa. The "Uber" effect if you like. If Nuggets takes off fast and establishes itself ahead of others, it could be tricky to dislodge. Moreover, network effect leaders tend to distort the 80/20 rule. Instead of 20% of leaders winning 80% of a market, it's more like 5% of leaders getting 95% of a given market - perhaps more. The question is, will Nuggets catch on. Will enough merchants adopt it and are the benefits and rewards sufficient to entice consumers? Will Nuggets indeed be the Next Big Thing in e-commerce platforms?      Listen to David Bradley quiz Alastair Johnson and you will discover how Nuggets uses Blockchain to enable a revolutionary network of buyers and sellers to trade without either party having access to the others’ sensitive data. For merchants, they no longer have hindering credit card fees. No more charge backs either. And they can assess the quality of the buyers’ reliability without the expense of credit checking. Nor do they breach users’ privacy. They're much less risk of breaching data privacy laws.     For consumers, they can access any Nuggets store or website and buy with a simple click. No credit card details or passwords required. Plus, consumers control who accesses their data and they get rewarded - whenever they use the platform. This all sounds compelling. But is it for real? Does Alastair have the right strategy? Can his team execute it? Listen to David Bradley talk to Alastair to find out. (If you want to acquire Nuggets tokens, please click here.)