14: Meet Troy Broussard - and discover how to scale your business from zero to 7 figures FAST, using automation.

Published: Sept. 22, 2018, 7 a.m.

Troy Broussard is a entrepreneur that has built multi-million dollar businesses. He's also an author (with a very engaging writing style) and he's a hugely successful Infusionsoft business automation consultant. Normally, the Next Big Thing is about interviewing founders launching, exciting, industry-disrupting businesses. But on this occasion, we're listening to an expert in business execution.  So Troy is a techie also. But you will discover in less than 30 minutes that actually it's not about tech. In so doing, Troy tells the story about how he never makes sales from his public speaking appearances. But each one is brings in clients that are worth at least $35,000.  Troy will share with you what he knows in this interesting and engaging conversation.