Silver Linings

Published: May 25, 2021, 8:42 p.m.


Here comes the sun (and here comes more confusion over the Covid guidelines).

Adam and Chris try to figure out what\\u2019s been going on today with the coronavirus regs, with Labour MP, Liz Kendall, who says she found out about it all on Twitter!

Friend of the podcast and BBC weatherman, Owain Wyn Evans, gives us his (hopefully soon-to-be-hot) take on why we've had such a rain-drenched May.

And, a year on from George Floyd\\u2019s murder, Roshan Roberts and De-Graft Mensah, from the If You Don\\u2019t Know podcast, talk coping strategies in 2020.

Today\\u2019s Newscast was made by Emma Close with Georgia Coan and Alix Pickles. Dino Sofos is the Editor.
