Episode 286 - Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes

Published: May 30, 2023, 3:17 a.m.


Today is about changes! Wow, what a difference a week makes \\u2026 or has it only been a day?

Today, we\\u2019ll talk about many topics, including individuals putting their spending on personal credit cards to dent inflation; the upcoming near historic Social Security benefit increase; as well as the beloved Accuracy-Related Penalties possibly imposed on IRA withdrawals.

We\\u2019ll also discuss a subject most near and dear to us \\u2013 Roth conversions for all ages. We all know the amount of ink that\\u2019s been spilled about whether a Roth conversion is advantageous. One of the biggest issues (of course) is our age. Perhaps one might argue, if I\\u2019m 70 or older, could this still make sense? We\\u2019ll discuss this in depth as Ed Slott has dived into this pool, and we\\u2019re going to jump in too! After all, the water\\u2019s still warm, right? We\\u2019ll have some strong arguments as to why, especially today, you might want to consider this strategy. AND we\\u2019ll also talk about misconceptions that still rage around Roth conversions.

Tune in, and we\\u2019ll try to turn up the temperature in your financial world of information!
