Episode 255: How to Get Your Money

Published: Dec. 22, 2021, 8:01 p.m.


It turns out that retirement isn\\u2019t as easy as \\u201cyou retire one day and have a check in the mail the next.\\u201d Those days (if they ever existed) are long gone. Today, retiring requires thoughtful planning and consideration \\u2026 things like when to claim Social Security, draw from the 401(k), take out a pension and, lest we forget, tapping in to the good ol\\u2019 IRA! And that\\u2019s just the beginning, which is why we love to talk about retirement income strategies on our show. To get the most out of your money, you must consider the best time to take money from different accounts for longevity and tax purposes.

This is a FUN show where we will present lots of options. Tune in and take control. Retirement could be right around the corner \\u2026 if you plan it right!
