Episode 186: Can Boomers Retire?

Published: Aug. 5, 2020, 3:45 p.m.

Ugh … sorry. This is a depressing headline. I can hear Ron Jolly playing his Debbie Downer sounder right now. The truth is, regardless of how promising the stock market has looked lately, there are some realities that we still must face because of COVID-19. For example, the indestructible Baby Boomers are in one of the highest at-risk age groups for contracting the virus. They are also the ones taking care of aging parents while trying to support adult children and grandchildren. And the workplace is changing at a rapid pace to adhere to social distancing requirements.

So while the country waits with bated breath for the economic recovery, Boomers may not have that luxury. The time to plan is now. Thankfully, Forbes wrote a great article, “8 Ways Coronavirus Will Drastically Alter Boomer Retirements,” to help guide us.